Read Our Blogs

From Athlete to Champion

The Importance of Mindset in the Olympics In the world of sports, the journey from athlete to…

The Game-Changer in Corporate Success: Investing in Employee Mindset and Personal Development

In the fast-evolving corporate landscape, companies continuously seek innovative ways to enhance…

How Self Talk Impacts Self Esteem (Ciara Coffey)

I find it crazy that we think we can talk negatively about our bodies and then expect them to feel…

Are New Managers Ever Properly Equipped (Pam Molyneux)

Having spent 25 years in the “employed” HR world, when I set up my HR consultancy in 2021, I had…

Exploring the Power of Coaching (Nikki Senior)

When I embarked on my journey as a coach, I encountered a challenge: explaining to loved ones the…

Top 6 Reasons why Mindspan is the PERFECT option for you…

When it comes to mindset coaching and training it can be tricky to know the best way to get…

Join the Mindspan Coaching & Training Network in a Post-COVID World

Join the Mindspan Coaching & Training Network in a Post-COVID World The Covid-19 pandemic has…

The Mindspan coaching team is growing again…

The Mindspan coaching team is growing again… Mindspan are delighted to welcome Ernest Gikuma…

Has there ever been a better time to do what we do?

Has there ever been a better time to do what we do?  Having had the privilege to do what we do…