Mindspan Training

Our Training Programmes

Do You Want To See A Positive Change In The Work Place? Whether you’re looking for senior leadership training, how to stay healthy under pressure, or something completely bespoke, we’ve got a variety of long-form programmes to suit your needs.

All of our Training Programmes now come with the added option of 6 months coaching and mentoring for all the staff who attended the training. This bolt-on can be a great way to give your employees continuing support and accountability with everything they will have learnt on the programme.

> Peak Performance Mind | Click To Expand

3 Days

Are you getting the best out of yourself or your team? You may not be aware, but there’s a direct link between how you think and the results you’re achieving in all aspects of work, career and life. Unlock true performance potential in yourself and others by developing the 3 Psychologies and 9 Mental Competencies that form our unique performance framework…The Mindspan Triad.

> Team Excellence | Click To Expand

2 Days

How well is your team functioning? Do you know that the biggest obstacle to your team functioning is also potentially it’s greatest strength Breakdown the barriers to your team’s performance not by building a raft and crossing a lake but by developing your Team Mindset competencies. 

> Leadership Excellence | Click To Expand

6 Months

Do you have the psychology of a top leader? True leadership starts within; before you can strongly lead others you firstly need to learn to lead yourself. Start to shape the mindset of leadership excellence, developing the vital performance competencies that motivate others to want to follow you.

> Stay Healthy Under Pressure | Click To Expand

1 Day

Do you want less stress, frustration and anxiety?  You probably realise that unhelpful levels of emotions negatively impact your ability to perform  well but, like many people you’ve not been sure what to do about it. We’ll all have periods in our lives when we’ll feel under pressure. Learn the competencies strategies and tools to help you deal with these phases by managing yourself, staying healthy and fulfilled. 

> New World Leadership | Click To Expand


World events during 2020/21 have brought about significant change in our lives and in the organisations that we belong to. These shifts call for an updated, modernised leadership approach…are your managers and leaders equipped for this? Understand the 5 psychological needs that are now more amplified in your teams and learn how to evolve a more conscious and human centred approach that’s required to lead effectively in the new world.

> Be A Coach | Click To Expand

flexible timings

Do you want to be a Coach, or do you need to coach in within your role? Coaching within the workplace has become a more prominent tool for enhancing performance and supporting people. Organisations are realising the high value of building a coaching resource internally. Creating licensed Mindspan Coaches within your organisation using our unique TCCP Coaching Framework will drive high levels of performance, wellbeing and balance within your workforce.

> Bespoke | Click To Expand

Flexible Timings

Over more than two decades we’ve designed and delivered bespoke development programmes for our clients. We’ve delivered these programmes in areas such as Sales Performance, Marketing, Appraisals, Customer Service, Emotional Resilience, Assertiveness, Communication, Handling Difficult People, Public Speaking and much more. We’ll work with you to design and deliver your effective solution!

Looking To Run Your Business Development Remotely?

Good news! We are now giving the option to have any package from our business portfolio to be delivered virtually using Microsoft Teams. So if you’re working from home, or looking to run training across multiple locations we can be of assistance.