Meet Ciara Coffey
Ciara is a personal stylist and coach who empowers mums to find their identity again, to express their authentic selves, and to boost their body and image confidence from the inside out. Ciara’s unique approach merges the Mindspan’s personal development principles with personal style tools and techniques, to help mums feel good from within.
Ciara has over 6 years’ experience styling women, transforming clients with how they look on the outside and feel on the inside. Having worked in advertising for over 12 years, Ciara has met a lot of women who hide who they truly are and hold themselves back. Ciara noticed this even more so since becoming a mum and connecting with other mums, both personally and professionally.
Mindspan Coach
Many mums think they don’t matter anymore since having kids. They become the very last thing on their priority list, because they have such little time or energy, and so many things to manage- house, work, kids, life admin etc.. This is when they continue to live in a vicious circle of burn out and depletion.
On top of that, their body has changed, but instead of focusing on what their body has done for them, they focus on their weight or size. Ciara wants to help shift that negative debilitating mindset to one of self- acceptance and compassion.
Ciara understands this as she has felt this way in the past and this is why she wants other mums to remember that they matter too.
It’s time for mums to feel good on the inside and shine on the outside and Ciara’s mission is to show them how.